Products: Agro Products: Commodities : Sugar

A well-known polling organization recently conducted a survey of attitudes about sugar. One of the biggest surprises was the wide range of guesses people made about how many calories are in a teaspoon of sugar. Most respondents thought it was 50 or 60 calories; one respondent said 1000!

Balanced Diet:
The simple, irrefutable fact is this: Sugar is a healthy part of a diet. Carbohydrates, including sugar, are the preferred sources of the body's fuel for brain power, muscle energy and every natural process that goes on in every functioning cell.

With only 15 calories per teaspoon, sugar is no more fattening than any other 15 calories. Like all carbohydrates, the body converts sugar into fuel quickly. Fats, on the other hand, are stored in fat cells to be used later.

  • Standard Packing :-
  • Quantity Stuffed in FCL :-